Having always been a big lover of the outdoors, artist Emma Price creates an ethereal ambiance within her work, drawn from years of being inspired by vast horizons and open spaces. As the work evolves, form and line become blurred and non-representational ~ much like being in the landscape, her works reveal themselves the more you allow yourself to be immersed within them ~ a journey drawn of your own experiences and emotional response to your surrounds.

These ethereal abstractions are based on emotion and memories of nature and light, often whilst out walking, and the sense of solitude and balance that being amongst the natural environment can give each of us.

An abstract and semi-abstract landscape painter, Emma Price lives and works in Surrey. Having lived in both England and Australia, her work is influenced by her emotions and visual memories, primarily of the natural landscapes within which she has lived and travelled.

Emma’s work is often about spaces and horizons, borders and limitations, and how these juxtapositions each form and help define our individual approach and interpretation to the world around us.

Her lifelong creative journey has brought her to the freedoms that abstract painting can bring – the way in which we each have our own unique interpretation on an experience, and how this challenges and questions our existence. Her passion for the natural world, helps to inform and evolve her work and ideas – and as such the abstractions that are created through our emotional connections.